beyond the piles

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energy savings and fire escapes

if today were to happen again, it would probably happen with different conversations, and with different food, in a different place.
if today were to happen again, it would happen to somebody else.

but it happened to me.

and now the day is gone; eaten up by clocks; swallowed by the evening.
we are moving on to digestion.

april is going to be a very odd month. and i think i will learn a lot.
will try to remember the new lessons.
and will try to not forget the old ones.

today was a very odd piece of time.
this full rotation of the planet has changed everything.
they all do.

i need to throw out some things.

beyond the piles.

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wonderful witold-ish haiku/slam poetry.

@masterbunnychong I completely agree I love this writers stuff! Tamara Mariea

The picture is really nice... where did you take it, in NYC?

Sam Levy

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This page contains a single entry by Witold published on April 2, 2011 9:20 PM.

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the right time of day, only somewhere else... is the next entry in this blog.

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