right hand dog because I am left handed and because I would not like to have my left hand bitten, because I need it...

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Em!ly had her thumb bitten by Sasha her currently injured dog. Sasha is still injured after a biting accident, was in pain, mistook Em!ly's hand for an attacker... and thus the injury. Em!ly will probably lose and re-grow the nail. In the meantime, she will not really be able to use her right hand for some very normal activities... So just to solidarize with Em!ly, I drew a little dog with my right hand. (I am about as completely left handed as they get...) The dog is certainly less than perfect, but hey, it is drawn with that other hand. So let's all hope Em!ly will get better. Thing appear to be very dangerous where she lives, out there in the wild, wild Coloradian west... : ) righthanddog.jpg

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lol I love how you ended this with "wild Coloradian west" lol - Tamara Mariea

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This page contains a single entry by Witold published on June 15, 2004 10:23 PM.

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