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turned off itunes and the wind started pouring in slowly. with it the sounds of a guitar. perhaps my neighbor down in the garden? Sounds so much cooler than whatever i was just playing here on the computer. A few minutes ago there were fireworks, probably over at grand army plaza. The air conditioners have not quite kicked in yet. The backyard does not yet sound like the space behind the refrigerator. There is a moaning cat sometimes. Sometimes the squirrels give themselves away by their soft shrieks. The birds, the birds, the birds... they are the good kind of birds. Brooklyn has a good glow. The Basquiat show is over at the Brooklyn Museum, but there is the International Film Festival and other great events. That Atlantic Avenue Art Walk yesterday was also quite something. The work ranged from incredible to absolutely abysmal. And this is what made it so great. oh, and I also found a blue button in an artist studio yesterday... What a happy place... Hmm... except that my neighbor seems to have stopped playing... oh yes... it is 10PM... wow.

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This page contains a single entry by Witold published on June 5, 2005 8:52 PM.

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