The other Walker...


One of the pirates kept moving his hips in a strengely fluid way. The boar-like guard stuck his sniffing nose right into the barrel in which I was hiding, more than once. Grandma cried. Mother had absolutely no clue what was really going on. Managed to escape (several times) from a hoard of little guys with glowing eyes and pointy tridents. A friendly boat would like me to buy a sail. This and so much more happened in the first four hours or so of The Wind Walker, the 9th installment of The Legend of Zelda saga. An incredible game... really... seriously... (can't wait to meet Tingle.)


the first four hours.

Oh, yeah!... it is just the humble beginning of an amazing adventure, for sure... : )

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This page contains a single entry by Witold published on April 11, 2003 4:21 PM.

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