111 pages 103-105

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The third drawing today looks like a flow chart, doesn't it? It is like some sort of information architecture for a website, maybe? It looks however as if the very first symbol on the chart were a skull, which makes me think that the chart could have something to do with this one Damien Hirst book I have here on my shelf (he leaves the desk and walks over to the bookshelf.) ... (He returns with a red book wrapped in a while protective sleeve... on the white sleeve are the words: "Theories, Models, Methods, Approaches, Assumptions, Results and Findings. In the lower left corner: Damien Hirst. He Pulls the red book out of the protective sleeve.) Okay, here is the book. The cover of the book has this golden chart on it. The chart is entitled "Fig.a - Changes after death." hmm... The golden boxes look like a flow chart and it explains what can happen to a body after, well, death... The first box is... Death... There is a large arrow going down to the next box which contains: Initial Process (Hours) Cooling, lividity, chemical changes and rigor mortis. The box is connected to several other boxes, one major one of them is: Body lies undisturbed. (Post mortem process dependent on ambient surroundings). ... There are 16 boxes in the chart, the last two options for a body being: Total destruction of remains (and this is where we know that there is no such thing, no?) and the last box being Fossilisation (the wet, ahem, dry dream of anybody with a narcissistic mind.)
It is quite possible that the drawing was based on the chart, making it more of an interpretation of it, of course, hmm... but maybe it was something completely different. The purchase date on the catalogue is 12/12/00... which would place the drawing into about the right time-context. But can I be sure? Of course not. ; )

1 Comment

3.) its like a happy skeleton's hand

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This page contains a single entry by Witold published on April 1, 2003 1:01 AM.

111 pages 100-102 was the previous entry in this blog.

111 pages 106-108 is the next entry in this blog.

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