what is it like out there?


Can you imagine that I spent the entire day indoors? The only windows I saw today were the ones on my screen. The views I saw today were beautiful, they were touching, they were soft, some were reminders that I should do other things. There are no windows in the room I am in right now. I am on a fourth floor, but I might as well be miles under the surface, or somewhere on a different planet. The air I breathe is filtered through large air conditioners, the temperature is adjusted by two thermostats on opposite sides of the room. I should go home now. I want things to be perfect. Again. Each and every time.
Thank you for writing to me. Thank you for what you have written today. I hope I will be able to reply. Resting for a moment. Typing this is a moment of rest. What are you doing today? What time is it? What is the weather like out there now? You told me there is rain?


The rain made everything beautiful, it was as if there were laterns on the streets serving as lamps, it was filled with a golden reddish glow @ 7pm... so warm.

At a restaurant, a woman yelled at the waitstaff very loudly very insistently for about 10minutes. Finally, little me, no manner whatsoever, spoke to my companion about "how rude it is to be inconsiderate of other diners as to yell in their ear, don't you agree__ if they have a problem they should speak peacefully?" which earned me a glare from my companion.

there, that's the world outside for you, from my observation of the day.

it's been lively.

did I mention the fruit stand was rained upon and all those colors, of mango, grapes, banana, pears and lychee all combined to overwhelm the senses ?

it was a lovely day. :)

um, sorry I will be quiet now

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This page contains a single entry by Witold published on July 9, 2002 7:41 PM.

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