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reFresh : reLoad ® - Inactive Exhibition Space offer a screen saver application for windows and mac (os9, osX coming in August). The screensaver is a bit like the SETI screen saver, except it does not look for extraterrestrial life but internet savvy creative talent.
Artists, designers, illustrators and others can submit their work and if it is liked by the people who invented reFresh-reLoad, it becomes part of a database. The screensavers then pull images from this database, bringing random images to the screens of those who want to be inspired, intrigued, educated. And the whole thing is a bit interactive too. If the Screensaver user likes a particular image, she or he can just press the spacebar and the screensaver will bring them to the website of the artist. A great idea, isn’t it? Thank you for the link, John

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This page contains a single entry by Witold published on July 23, 2002 8:33 PM.

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