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«Out of town for a few days... | Front | meanwhile elswhere... »

April 23, 2005
to keep this page not empty... After a while, the page here turns empty. Not enough content was added in the last week or so. Actually no content, and so the page just went blank. Hmm... "If you would like to do something nice for your tree in the street, just give it some water," the radio said, in the international food store up on 7th ave, " just grab a plastic container, one of those 30 gallon ones should be enough, fill it with water and punch some holes into the bottom, so the water goes into the ground slowly..." "do you have your 30 gallon barrel on you? I left mine at home," said a woman selecting her nuts with a little tin shovel. 30 gallons... that's 160 liters? 160 kilograms... 320 pounds... yeah... so much happened... i think i will need a bit more time to translate it into some sort of post... Hmm... soon... : )