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July 10, 2003

At a first glance, they might have appeared an unlikely pack. He was strong, furry, with plenty of experience. Not only was he famous for having started some major hunts, he was even more famous for not having stayed for the kill. A selfless, larger than life, big time animal, with huge paws and a gem studded trophy colar on his neck. Bitter perhaps, but definitely a good long distance runner. He was in this for the long haul, he was the quiet deep leader of the pack.
She on the other hand was more on the shaky, barking side. She was obsessed with the achievements of her magnificent protector (and other big dogs for that matter).
She would position herself on large intersections and bark at trucks and cabs and all the other cars. There was nothing better than being the center of attention, honking drivers and traffic jams were the proof of her wild success. What an exhausting job as the eye of a tornado.
At first glance, they might have appeared an unlikely pack, but they had been in this for too long to give up now. They were ready for the next kill. And it would be a big one, that's for sure.



aww, they make me smile. it's charming who you share a small background story of your characters. nice work.

Posted by: michelle on July 10, 2003 11:37 PM

hey i know these two!

Posted by: em!ly on July 10, 2003 11:51 PM

ohhh that is hilarious, wonderful :)

Posted by: shauny on July 11, 2003 03:57 AM
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